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Showing posts from 2020

Radiant Skin

Radiant Skin For years women have been exhorted to pamper their skin with mild mannered potions to keep it looking young. Now, dermatologists are advising the same species to excavate their fresh faced inner 20year old by peeling, scraping, or scouring off the top layer of cell with scrubs, alphahydroxy acids, even razors. Exfoliation isn’t just a fad anymore; it’s a full scale obsession. Cosmetic counters are crowded with products that promise to deliver dramatic ant wrinkle and firming benefits as they slough and smooth. You need them, the slogans insist. But do you? Is it not enough to brush, floss, moisturize, exercise, hydrate and meditate? Must a self respecting woman also exfoliate? Actually, no. your skin exfoliates naturally over a period of weeks or months. You don’t have to help the process along if you don’t want to. As skin sins go, failing to scrub or slather isn’t nearly as serious as going for a walk on a bright day without sunscreen. Still exfoliation as p...