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Hair care

Hair care Dandruff Dandruff is usually the result of excessive discharge from oil glands. Scalp starts shedding loose flakes. Severe dandruff might lead red, inflamed scalp which in turn might lead to hair falling out in patches. Such cases need medical attention. Ordinary dandruff can be treated with either medicated shampoo or by using antiseptic in the rising water. Cleanliness is most important. Brushes and combs should be cleaned after use and should never be borrowed. Dry scalp dandruff should be treated as you treat dry hair. Hair should be well-brushed before shampoo. Tips for treating Dandruff Best one egg and rub thoroughly into the scalp, in place of shampoo. Rinse with warm water. Repeat this treatment once a week. Equal parts of water and vinegar, mixed together and applied to scalp, before shampoo, are excellent for dandruff treatment. Yolk of an egg mixed with one ounce of spirits of rosemary, a pint of warm water and a pinch of borax may be rubbed thoroughly into the sc...