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Hair care

Hair care

kayksh blog hair care


Dandruff is usually the result of excessive discharge from oil glands. Scalp starts shedding loose flakes. Severe dandruff might lead red, inflamed scalp which in turn might lead to hair falling out in patches. Such cases need medical attention. Ordinary dandruff can be treated with either medicated shampoo or by using antiseptic in the rising water. Cleanliness is most important. Brushes and combs should be cleaned after use and should never be borrowed. Dry scalp dandruff should be treated as you treat dry hair. Hair should be well-brushed before shampoo.

Tips for treating Dandruff

Best one egg and rub thoroughly into the scalp, in place of shampoo. Rinse with warm water. Repeat this treatment once a week.

Equal parts of water and vinegar, mixed together and applied to scalp, before shampoo, are excellent for dandruff treatment. Yolk of an egg mixed with one ounce of spirits of rosemary, a pint of warm water and a pinch of borax may be rubbed thoroughly into the scalp before shampoo. It may help to get rid of dandruff. Brush should never be used where there is any dandruff present, as it will spread infection further into the scalp as well as into the hair shaft.

Graying hair

Graying of hair sometimes occurs at the tender age of 15, but usually it begins in forties. The age at which hair starts graying is a matter of heredity. With the graying of hair, texture of hair also changes. It becomes dry and coarser. So change your hair treatment to one that will cope with the new texture of hair. But should you display or disguise grey hair? In some cases grey gray hair dyed in black or brown, tend to emphasize age lines. But usually you improve upon nature by dyeing grey hair. Henna mehendi is another remedy for hair. Mix some lime juice, a little piece of catechu (kattha) and a pinch of sugar in henna powder (fresh grinded mehendi leaves can also be used). Apply this paste on your hair and let it dry for about half an hour. Now wash your hair.

Henna paste makes your hair shine and adds a brownish tint, which looks nice.

Falling and thinning of Hair

Losing 50 to 60 hair a day might be quite normal. But if there is more hair loss than this, ill health, high fever is usually the cause. Sometimes there is more hair shedding for about three months after having a baby. Hair growth will return to normal after sometime, in such cases.

In some families hair loss is hereditary. Men go bald or their hair get thinner with age.

When hair comes out in patches, you should consult doctor. It is an indication of general ill-health.

In some cases hair fall may be caused by tight rollers, or tight rubber bands. In such cases lanolin oil massage helps.

Tips on preventing hair-loss

Bleaching and perming should be avoided.

Juice of lemon, rubbed on scalp helps to prevent hair-loss. Alternative application of castor oil and iodine for four days is supposed to be an excellent remedy for falling hair.

On the first and third day apply white iodine into your hair with cotton-wool. On second and fourth day, after the oil massage your scalp with castor oil. On the fourth day, after the oil massage, wrap your head in very hot towel. Keep changing the towels for about fifteen minutes.

This treatment gives very quick results.

Splitting and breaking of Hair

It is usually dry hair that splits at ends. It is caused by incorrect use of hair=bleaches. Perms and strong sunlight also split and break hair.

Back combing, use of rubber bands, curlers and perm treatments should be avoided, as far as possible.

Wet hair should be treated gently and hair ends must be trimmed off regularly.

If hair-ends are not trimmed regularly, splits may travel up the hair length and damage it.

Tips for general tone up of Hair

For general tone up of hair beat 2 eggs with ½ ounce of rum. Whip up good foam and rub this solution into the scalp. Rinse thoroughly with warm water.

Milk also acts as a harmless setting lotion and it does not leave any residue or smell, after shamppping your hair and rinsing, spray milk on wet hairs and comb it through the hair. Now set your hair.

Skimmed milk will be better for oily hair and whole milk for dry hair.

Beer is considered to be a good setting lotion although it leaves a flaky residue and is smelly. After shampoo, beer may be rubbed into hair. Next, the hair (may or may not) rinsed with warm water. Beer does not affect tender scalp and is nutritive. Lemon juice works as mild bleaching agent and takes away some of the oil in hair.

Eggs rubbed into scalp make the hair shine. Eggs lend body to hair.

Coconut oil or olive oil is a good conditioner for hair.

Vinegar makes hair soft and manageable. One to three teaspoon to two glasses of warm water lends hair temporary elasticity and makes combing of the hair easier.

thank you



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