Neck care Your neck should be treated with as much tender care as your face. If you neglect your neck, it will show your age, no matter how marvelous your figure or facial skin is. It should be kept as clean as your face and nourishing creams you use for face should also be used for your neck. Whenever you wash your face, wash your neck also. If you apply foundation and powder on your face and neglect your neck, the result will be a sharp contrast between the two. Beside this, neck needs some special treatment as well. The appearance of neck depends on the way you hold your head. Correct posture is to hold your head high, chin up and slightly forward. If you have a faulty posture, the result will be double chin or flabby muscles. A good carriage of your whole body, especially the back, affects the carriage of your head and shoulders. Very rarely, one finds someone holding correct posture while walking or sitting. It adds or detracts from your total image. While walking,...