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Neck care

  Neck care Your neck should be treated with as much tender care as your face. If you neglect your neck, it will show your age, no matter how marvelous your figure or facial skin is. It should be kept as clean as your face and nourishing creams you use for face should also be used for your neck. Whenever you wash your face, wash your neck also. If you apply foundation and powder on your face and neglect your neck, the result will be a sharp contrast between the two. Beside this, neck needs some special treatment as well. The appearance of neck depends on the way you hold your head. Correct posture is to hold your head high, chin up and slightly forward. If you have a faulty posture, the result will be double chin or flabby muscles. A good carriage of your whole body, especially the back, affects the carriage of your head and shoulders. Very rarely, one finds someone holding correct posture while walking or sitting. It adds or detracts from your total image. While walking, mov

Legs and Feet Care

Legs and Feet care Your legs should be pretty and well groomed as your face and hands. Hard skin, uneven toe nails and hairy legs show that you are neglecting your legs and feet. Aching feet are the result off lack of proper exercises. Give them as much attention and same beauty care as your hands. Your footwear must be comfortable with not too pointed shoes or too high heels, which lilt at unnatural angles while walking. It is worthwhile to take weight off your feet during the day time. Take off your head. Ten minutes of relaxation like this gives relief to your aching feet. Cold and hot foot bath also help feet. Before retiring to bed at night, soak your feet in hot water for a couple of minutes to which a little alum powder has been added. Now soak them in ice-cold water for a few seconds. Repeat the process several times to help tired feet. For the beautifying of your feet, rub the calluses with a pumice stone every time you take bath. You can also gently rub rough sp

Hair care

Hair care Dandruff Dandruff is usually the result of excessive discharge from oil glands. Scalp starts shedding loose flakes. Severe dandruff might lead red, inflamed scalp which in turn might lead to hair falling out in patches. Such cases need medical attention. Ordinary dandruff can be treated with either medicated shampoo or by using antiseptic in the rising water. Cleanliness is most important. Brushes and combs should be cleaned after use and should never be borrowed. Dry scalp dandruff should be treated as you treat dry hair. Hair should be well-brushed before shampoo. Tips for treating Dandruff Best one egg and rub thoroughly into the scalp, in place of shampoo. Rinse with warm water. Repeat this treatment once a week. Equal parts of water and vinegar, mixed together and applied to scalp, before shampoo, are excellent for dandruff treatment. Yolk of an egg mixed with one ounce of spirits of rosemary, a pint of warm water and a pinch of borax may be rubbed thoroughly into the sc

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Radiant Skin

Radiant Skin For years women have been exhorted to pamper their skin with mild mannered potions to keep it looking young. Now, dermatologists are advising the same species to excavate their fresh faced inner 20year old by peeling, scraping, or scouring off the top layer of cell with scrubs, alphahydroxy acids, even razors. Exfoliation isn’t just a fad anymore; it’s a full scale obsession. Cosmetic counters are crowded with products that promise to deliver dramatic ant wrinkle and firming benefits as they slough and smooth. You need them, the slogans insist. But do you? Is it not enough to brush, floss, moisturize, exercise, hydrate and meditate? Must a self respecting woman also exfoliate? Actually, no. your skin exfoliates naturally over a period of weeks or months. You don’t have to help the process along if you don’t want to. As skin sins go, failing to scrub or slather isn’t nearly as serious as going for a walk on a bright day without sunscreen. Still exfoliation as p

Sweets (Granny recipes)

The Granny Recipes (Tasty and Healthy)

About Soups The First course of all dinners should be a soup. It has as appetizing and refreshing effect upon the stomach, which is thus fittingly prepared for the work if digesting the more solid foods that are to follow. Soups should not be taken while hot as they soften the stomach and lay foundation for neuralgic conditions of that organ. They should be allowed to cool to moderate temperature. Neither beverage nor food should be taken into the stomach while hot. This organ is more sensitive ti heat and cold than then mouth, and protests against abuse will be entered for presentation at some future time. Vegetable oils, such as cotton seed, olive or coconut added to soups will give finer flavors than animal oils and finely chopped or ground nuts greatly surpass oxtails and shinbones for making soup stocks. Ketchup is one of the best condiments for use in flavoring soups, but black pepper or an excess of salt should be strictly avoided. Celery salt is to be